My first few times working with CAPSOC and the AaliaNetwork I was just there to help my business partner prepare for a couple of live TV interviews that were to be broadcast locally. I had only spent small amounts of time in the broadcast/television world and enjoyed seeing everything in action.
I had a heavy film and theatre background so I wasn't lost but certainly intrigued by all the things I didn't know. I had done a couple of live interviews for previous theater productions and had, myself, filmed dozens of interviews. At that time my job was to keep PK focused and on task and make sure I asked all the right questions to keep him updated with only the information he needed to do a great job for our team.
It became apparent quickly that there needed to be a strong presence keeping everything moving. Preparing the interviewees and hosts, helping and directing the crew, facilitating the wishes of the producer and technical director, and the millions of unseen little tasks that have to be decided upon in an instant. And, to me most importantly, heading off disasters before they happen and keeping the the crew working efficiently and happily.
My first two visits on that set, a few months apart, I mostly stood back and watched and helped out occasionally when needed. Shortly before my third visit I got a call and was requested to be the Floor Manager. I only had a vague, watery, idea of what that meant but made the decision to jump in with both feet (that never goes wrong, am I right?). My film degree came in handy in that I understood the terminology and general set up of the studio and flow of production. I spent my life in the theater and knew my stage managing experience would keep me on track even if I was lacking in ALL knowledge of what my job actually entails. I had once survived stage-managing a dance concert with 168 rambunctious, artistic, overly dramatic dancers crammed into a two hour show. . . . I was prepared for anything.
Three years later and I have since managed every live and recorded event for CAPSOC. I keep coming back because the people are amazing and our mission is one that I can't walk away from. And the food. Don't forget about the food. As Karim likes to say, "I feed everyone well." He ain't wrong.
I have since grown used to being called "General" and always look forward to doing good work. The better my crew runs the more people we reach and the better experience for our communities.
Thank you Karim, Omar, Hakim, Marilyn, Jean, and the entire CAPSOC community..
---From the Website
Creating a Profound Sense of Community (CAPSOC) was started by concerned citizens, who are committed to making a transformative difference in the wake of recent tragedies in Ferguson MO, Madison WI, Los Angeles CA, North Charleston SC, and Baltimore MD. The goals are:
- To build a bridge between law enforcement and the communities they serve to confront the use of excessive force and the ensuing violence in our communities
- To create partnerships in our communities and with law enforcement to generate trust, respect and honor to work powerfully toward viable and acceptable solutions.