
A Little About Erika


Biography and photograph of Erika Christie, Transmedia Content Creator and Writer, Photographer and Filmmaker

Fantastical and Experimental elements are at the heart of all of Erika's creations.

Erika flexes muscles creating multimedia experiences as their early life in theatre instilled in them an intense understanding of how to weave words, music, actors, visual artwork, audience interactions, and storylines together to create memorable experiences.

Erika tends to focus on community building projects. Celebrating art and the lives of every day people to help build bridges and bring disparate groups together.

Empowering children. Empowering women. Empowering people of color. Empowering the LGBTQIAX+ Community. Empowering.

Their writing, especially in the Retrograde Nova Universe, is filled with scifi jargon and obtuse tv references and they are especially fond of unreliable narrators who tell their stories out of order and are prone to embellishment and obfuscation and speaking in long winded tangent filled non-sequitur jammed sentences.

Much of it is NSFW. Probably NS in general.

Most recently Erika is world building epic stories across platforms while integrating virtual and augmented reality.  

"Human creativity leads to social cohesion for artists and their art define our collective reality."

        ~ Erika

Find all of her podcast and video series on IMAGINE ALLEY DIGITAL and on YOUTUBE