Photo Editing
Photo Editing Services
Restoring blown out skies and windows.
Creating proper skin tone.
Adding grittiness to people and landscapes.
Creating intrigue and depth.
Fixing bland and murky backgrounds.
Contact Erika if you'd like to have more time for shooting and less time at the computer!
Discounts available for repeat customers and bulk orders.
Photo Editing Rates
BASIC PACKAGE- Basic color grading, shadows and highlight balancing, and skin/light correction.
BULK ORDERS (over 100 images) $.60 per image
ADVANCED EDITING- Advanced Black and White conversion, vignettes, color grading, image cropping, minimal photoshopping of skin blemishes and correction of background elements.
BULK ORDERS (over 100 images) $1.00 per image
PORTFOLIO CREATION- Selection of top photos for portfolios, editorial content, and job submissions. Focus on style, variety, image impression, and adhering to the rules and given requirements.
Choosing from 40 Photos or less- $30.00 per Portfolio
Choosing from 41 Photos or more- $55.00 per Portfolio